Cooky Tech

Cooky Tech

London, United Kingdom
1 - 500£

We build the most efficient, fast, and flexible solutions to power on your business . We think about your company, staff,about time and costs, we want to make our contribution to better services and quality worldwide by providing top-grade solutions and products.

We are aimed to reach your goals, with no hustle for you. Reliable services and solutions move you forward, when they helps you every step. We deliver professional service and care on demand that makes difference for everyone.
Enterprise Cloud (IaaS), Managed Cloud (PaaS), Graphic Design, Logo Design, Website Maintenance, Webdesign, Domain Registration, Domains, SSL, Email, eCommerce, Shop, MySQL, CSS, HTML, PHP, Visual Basic, Host, Server Setup, Server Maintenance, Linux, Security, Blog, Websites, Drupal, Joomla!, TYPO3, WordPress
